Sborník Plato’s Timaeus
Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
Xth Symposium Platonicum Pragense: ΤΙΜΑΙΟΣ
Prague, Villa Lanna, November 12th –14th
Thursday, November 12th
Chair Filip Karfík
9:30-9:45 Opening address
9:45-10:45 Tanja Ruben (Fribourg)
Génos, chora et guerre dans le prologue du Timée
11:00-12:00 Luc Brisson (Paris)
How to make a soul in the Timaeus
Chair Gerd van Riel
14:30-15:30 Francesco Fronterotta (Roma)
ΠΑΝΤΕΛΩΣ ΟΝ et ΝΟΗΤΟΝ ΖΩΟΝ: vie, âme et mouvement intelligible dans le Timée (et dans le Sophiste)
15:45-16:45 Karel Thein (Praha)
Planets: A Timaean Puzzle
17:00-18:00 István Bodnár (Budapest)
The day, the month and the year: What Plato expects from astronomy
Friday, November 13th
Chair István Bodnár
9:30-10:30 Ondřej Krása (Praha)
Relationship of Becoming to the Third Kind
11:00-12:00 George Karamanolis (Wien)
Does Plato present a bundle theory of substance in the Timaeus?
Chair Karel Thein
14:30-15:30 Gerd van Riel (Leuven)
Matter doesn’t matter
15:45-16:45 Gábor Betegh (Cambridge)
Cosmic and Individual Cognition in the Timaeus
17:00-18:00 Filip Karfík (Fribourg)
Timaeus’ Theory of Sense-Perception
Saturday, November 14th
Chair Jakub Jirsa
9:00-10:00 Philip van der Eijk (Berlin)
Plato Medicus and his reception in the early Peripatos
10:15-11:15 Chad Jorgenson (Paris)
Responsibility, Causality, and Will in the Timaeus 86b-87b
11:30- 12:30 Lucius Hartmann (Zürich)
Die grosse Rede des Timaios als Beispiel für Platons wahre Rhetorik?
Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium Platonicum Pragense.